
IAM Group Ltd Japan

Real Life stories about Managers

IAM Group Ltd is a self funded, non-profit association of middle managers worldwide from all kinds of industries. We are committed to helping fellow managers and their supporting staff in making the corporate environment the best breeding ground for fresh and effective ways to be productive. We welcome all contributors and new members worldwide to share all your work experience.

IAM Group’s Goals

We are not LinkedIn or trying to be.  We provide provoking ideas to fuel the fire of desire of  MIDDLE MANAGERS – to expand your professional skills, better manage your organization, and enhance your career, hence, be able to control your own career trajectory to claim that greasy pole of success.

IAM Group Limited aims for Excellence and will help you on how to thrive in these times of accelerating technological progress and economic growth with the reality of anemic job growth.

IAM Group Limited welcomes all Middle Managers  who wants to  express their stories  that encompasses the professional and personal rewards, gripes and  frustrations anonymously.

What makes our group unique is that we welcome contributors of MIDDLE MANAGERS  who can express their gripes and frustrations anonymously or on the positive side offer advice on claiming that greasy pole to the top.

Who We Help

Just the mention of “middle managers” is enough to make people’s eyes roll back. But with these kind of mangers can have a profound impact on innovation and performance. Companies need to pay attention to Middle Managers and reward their special skills and talent at making the best of the limitations and restrictions of their positions — of making orange juice from oranges.  Meaning – Positive Output.

For decades, researchers and business people have assumed that in the thick of large organizations, what matters is process. This is where success of a company is entirely sewn into.  Do we have the right employees – resources available? Are incentives effective? If the organization isn’t being innovative, the solution must be structural.

My study of computer-game makers shows something different — that individuals matter a lot. And of all the individuals, the choice of who is middle manager on vital projects goes the furthest in explaining why some firms do better than others.

So many kinds of managers a company can hire.  It depends on what business one is having.  For example in a gaming-company, middle managers supervises software/game designers, who are the sources of creative ideas.  What’s more, the talent of individuals was portable — when they left one company for another, they took their ability with them.